7/18/24: discussion; start readings

Bibliometrics - (1) from biblio- = book; metrics = measurements. Relatively fine-grained measurements about publications, authors, etc.  (2) from bibliome = complete corpus of biological texts; metrics = measurements. Relatively large-grained measurements about complete text corpora.

  • This log is at: http://bibliometriks.blogspot.com.
  • Updates.
  • R&D (read & discuss): Commentary -
    "What is the total cost of using h-index as a metric for academia over time? I don't know how to measure it exactly, but I would hypothesize that it would raise costs over time."

    That's a very good question that I hadn't considered.  It also might decrease cost because it might encourage lliterature reviews that are based on bibliometric indices rather that actually reading.  Since h-index already assumes a sorted list by citation, is it possible that we'll automate lit reviews with AIChat based on h-indices > k which would have the effect of basing literature reviews on multi-authorship papers - which you and I already agree distorts assessments of quality.

    What do you think?
    The meeting ended here.

  • R&D (read & discuss): Meho, L.; Akl, E. Using Bibliometrics to Detect Unconventional Authorship Practices and Examine Their Impact on Global Research Metrics, 2019-2023. Preprints 2024, 2024070691.
    • Abstract: Between 2019 and 2023, sixteen universities increased their research output by more than fifteen times the global average, alongside significant changes in authorship dynamics (e.g., decreased first authorship, increased numbers of hyper-prolific authors, increased numbers of multi-affiliations, and increased numbers of authors per publication). Using bibliometric methods, this study detected patterns suggesting a reliance on unconventional authorship practices, such as gift, honorary, and sold authorship, to inflate publication metrics. This study underscores the need for reforms by universities, policymakers, funding agencies, ranking agencies, accreditation bodies, scholarly publishers, and researchers to maintain academic integrity and ensure the reliability of global ranking systems. We would greatly appreciate your comments. The full text can be accessed here: https://doi.org/10.20944/preprints202407.0691.v1
  • R&D (read & discuss): h-index related section from H. Berghel, "A Collapsing Academy V: Internal and External Threat Vectors Facing Higher Education" in Computer, vol. 57, no. 07, pp. 166-172, 2024. doi: 10.1109/MC.2024.3395110, https://www.computer.org/csdl/magazine/co/2024/07/10574411/1Y7B5R4jp3q.


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