8/1/24 (#4): Updates and discussion

Bibliometrics - (1) from biblio- = book; metrics = measurements. Relatively fine-grained measurements about publications, authors, etc.  (2) from bibliome = complete corpus of biological texts; metrics = measurements. Relatively large-grained measurements about complete text corpora.

  • This log is at: http://bibliometriks.blogspot.com.
  • Updates: 
    • TO not here Aug. 8; HB Aug. 22
    • NM - Working on learning and using Python along with calling SQL from Python. Google Scholar is making some mistakes, so we discussed handling that.
    • TO - from last time:
      • Method 1: treat each year as a discrete time step as items propagate through the queuing network. (Chapter 1?)
      • Method 2: deal with a degenerate model where the "queues" are always of zero length because a citation is serviced at the instant it arrives/exists. (Chapter 2?)
      • Method 3: a citation arrives on a queue when the citation is made. It is "serviced" when the citing paper is itself cited. Where does that lead? (Chapter 3?)
      • Track 4: Investigate the related phenomenon of the journal impact factor. (Chapter 4?)
      • Other considerations: 
  • Discuss: Turing Award winners don't necessarily have high h-indexes; https://eprints.soton.ac.uk/447802/1/Turing_Award_elites_revisited_patterns_of_productivity_collaboration_authorship_and_impact.pdf
  • R&D (read & discuss): h-index related section from H. Berghel, "A Collapsing Academy V: Internal and External Threat Vectors Facing Higher Education" in Computer, vol. 57, no. 07, pp. 166-172, 2024. doi: 10.1109/MC.2024.3395110, https://www.computer.org/csdl/magazine/co/2024/07/10574411/1Y7B5R4jp3q. We read up to: "The h-index is widely used by popular..." and can start there next time we read from this.
  • R&D (read & discuss): Meho, L.; Akl, E. Using Bibliometrics to Detect Unconventional Authorship Practices and Examine Their Impact on Global Research Metrics, 2019-2023. Preprints 2024, 2024070691. https://doi.org/10.20944/preprints202407.0691.v1. We finished the abstract.


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