
Using queueing theory to model the domain

  • Method 1: treat each year as a discrete time step as items propagate through the queuing network. (Chapter 1?)
  • Method 2: deal with a degenerate model where the "queues" are always of zero length because a citation is serviced at the instant it arrives/exists. (Chapter 2?)
  • Method 3: a citation arrives on a queue when the citation is made. It is "serviced" when the citing paper is itself cited. Where does that lead? (Chapter 3?)
  • Can citations to a new publication be modeled as starting high and declining exponentially? Obviously there are exceptions (Einstein, also Hinton et al.) but maybe it works a lot of the time. Investigating this question could be done (Chapter 4?)
  • Track 4: Investigate the related phenomenon of the journal impact factor. (Chapter 5?)
  • Lit. review: should include
    • The obvious queries provide papers on the bibliometrics of queuing theory work, not what we want which is papers about using queuing theory to understand bibliometrics. Still, the query results should be included in the proposal even if they were not what was hoped for. 
  • There could be a chapter on the validity of an M arrival assumption in a model. Modeling validity issues of all kinds could also be discussed in the chapter.
  • Other considerations:


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