
Showing posts from July, 2024

7/25/24: Updates and readings on Turing Award and h-index, etc.

Bibliometrics - (1) from biblio- = book; metrics = measurements . Relatively fine-grained measurements about publications, authors, etc.  (2) from bibliome = complete corpus of biological texts; metrics = measurements. Relatively large-grained measurements about complete text corpora. This log is at: . Updates:  NM - working on learning and using Python along with calling SQL from Python. TO -  Method 1: treat each year as a discrete time step as items propagate through the queuing network.  Method 2: deal with a degenerate model where the "queues" are always of zero length because a citation is serviced at the instant it arrives/exists.  Method 3: a citation arrives on a queue when the citation is made. It is "serviced" when the citing paper is itself cited. Where does that lead? Other considerations:  What about not counting self citations?  What about citation circles (self citing plus transitivity)? Recall the Lipsky queuin

7/18/24: discussion; start readings

Bibliometrics - (1) from biblio- = book; metrics = measurements . Relatively fine-grained measurements about publications, authors, etc.  (2) from bibliome = complete corpus of biological texts; metrics = measurements. Relatively large-grained measurements about complete text corpora. This log is at: . Updates. Queuing theory track: if it's too big for a project, can trim later; if too small, make it chapter 1 and do something else related for the rest. What? Cost of h-index (see below)? Queuing theory book (H): 9788132204770/Queueing-Theory- Linear-Algebraic-Approach- 8132204778/plp?ref_=ps_ms_ 267691761&cm_mmc=msn-_-comus_ dsa-_-naa-_-naa&msclkid= c28ce203cdbc1cc1531e8493dde7ac 0c R&D (read & discuss): Commentary - "What is the total cost of using h-index as a metric for academia over time? I don't know how to measure it exactly, but I would hypothesize that it would raise costs over tim

7/11/24: Welcome!

Bibliometrics: (1) from biblio- = book; metrics = measurements .  Measurements about publications, authors, etc., at a relatively fine rain.  (2) from bibliome = complete corpus of biological texts; metrics = measurements.   Measurements about complete corpora, at a relatively large grain.   HB notes: might be relevant to our work on h-index, etc. [n.b., Ron Yager in CS] Updates from attendees. If we run out of things to discuss we can read & discuss. Suggest starting with one of HB's relevant articles.