9/5/24 (#9)

Bibliometrics - (1) from biblio- = book; metrics = measurements. Relatively fine-grained measurements about publications, authors, etc. (2) from bibliome = complete corpus of biological texts; metrics = measurements. Relatively large-grained measurements about complete text corpora.

  • Updates:
    • Future meeting scheduling - would a Th afternoon or Friday morning work better for meetings? No, we will stick with the current time.
    • TO gave an intro to queuing theory. He could add a chapter on the validity of a M arrival assumption. He plans to present more in a couple of weeks.
    • NM. Proceeding, data collection is fairly complete. Continuing to fix the software.
    • TO status and plans: see https://bibliometriks.blogspot.com/p/to.html.
  • R&D (read & discuss): 
    • TO suggests people present summaries of papers during meetings, and started things off.
    • Meho, L.; Akl, E. Using Bibliometrics to Detect Unconventional Authorship Practices and Examine Their Impact on Global Research Metrics, 2019-2023. Preprints 2024, 2024070691, https://doi.org/10.20944/preprints202407.0691.v1. We have finished up to the Introduction section but did not read from it today.
  • We adjourned at 12:10.


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